
Hina Matsuri

Oops I forgot a little adventure! I should blog more often hehe.

On Sunday the 24th, the day after Anthony and I returned from Fukuoka, we went to go see the hina matsuri dolls at Aya, a little town north of Miyazaki, with Satomi. Satomi and I where dressed up in kimono and it was great fun! We went to a little lunch and tea restaurant before starting our walk around town.

There were a lot of people there and a lot of different displays. Some where owned privatively and others belonged to a company. There was also a little contest you could enter if you went to and collected stamps to fill out a post card and then mail it in. I'm not sure what could have been won, but I thought it was kinda cool.

Satomi and me in Kimono~

Fancy display in side a temple and me.

A road~

Kapa playing igo.
Sorry it's a bit blurry.

After we visited the main area, we went up to a old castle. It sat on a high point and the only way to get to it is to cross a bridge. We went in and explored the castle for a bit. The stairs were rather hard to clime up and down in a kimono. But we all made it to the top and saw a great view of the area surrounding the town.

Way to the castle.

The magnificent view~


After that we headed home. Satomi was heading to Singapore the next day and had to wake up at 3am. There was a lot of interesting things to see and wearing a kimono is always fun.

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