I realized how out of shape I was after that bike ride hehe, but I wasn't as bad as I had thought I would be. We pettled up some steep hills at the end which I was able to conquer so I felt pretty good. Once we got back and returned our bikes we were all ready to nap on the bus as it drove to our next location: lunch.
We ate lunch at what seemed like a tour bus rest stop. There were about four other tour buses that came in after us. We ate another Japanese style meal and got to see some pretty plum blossoms and shop for omiyage before heading to Kumamoto Castle.
Look at me! I am a pretty plum tree!
The main part of the Kumamoto Castle was, to me, not the most inpressive part. It was redone to be a modern museum on the in side with concrete walls and floors. On the other hand some of the outer buildings were kept the way the castle was originally built. With the old wooden floors and super steep stairs. These parts of the castles are more interesting to me then the modern looking exhibits on the inside. I like seeing how the castle was traditionally built by looking at the structures on the inside. The grounds were really pretty though and you can see the whole city from one tower. It was quite amazing.
One part of the city view.

The main part of the castle.

The cute little mascot~
The main part of the castle.
The cute little mascot~
Once we finished at the castle we all settled in for the 3 hour drive back to Miyazaki University. Once finishing this trip, I have traveled to each prefecture in Kyushu, Miyazaki, Kagoshima, Oita, Kumamoto, Fukuoka, Saga, and Nagasaki. Where next shall my adventures in Japan take me?
G.S.O retreat: the end~
G.S.O retreat: the end~
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