Anyways, I asked a few friends about local veterinary clinics. I was referred to another exchange student who is currently studying veterinary science at Miyazaki University. I started off by visiting the clinic at Miyazaki daigaku, but allas they had changed their policies and only take animals that have been referred to them by a privet clinic. But the exchange student offered to take me to another veterinary clinic in a part of town near by. We got there right when the clinic opened at 3:30. Being the first one to take the little guy to the vet, I got to name him :) His name is Shiva (or シバ in Japanese), named after the Hindu god Shiva. I also got to claim a temporary ownership of him because he was abandoned. It was a basic exam for ears, eyes, etc. He does have a slight infection in his left ear, but I was able to get some medicine from the doctor to put in his ear three to four times a day. He also has some flees so I was able to get some flee medication as well. The doctor confirmed him to be about four months old. I was wondering if I should get him neutered or not... It would probably be a good idea if he is going to visit my room a lot hehe. Right now Shiba-chan is having a nice long and deserved nap on my bed after a bit of soft food for doing such a good job at the veterinary clinic. (below is the same but shorter explanation in Japanese) (also below, Shiba-chan right after we got back from the clinic. He is tired from the adventure)
The trip to the animal hospital was very fun and interesting for me, but maybe not for Shiba-chan. He did very well in the car though, just sat in my lap and looked out the window. Luckly for me the vet knew English, but I tried to communicate in Japanese as much as possible. Although, sometimes it just got too complicated with all the specific scientific information. I am glad that I was able to take Shiba-chan to the vet today. It makes me feel much better knowing that he isn't sick or have any infections.
Tomorrow is the start of the Miyazaki University Festival. I'm sure I will have plenty to post on when it is over as well!
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