Today was my first day of field work here in Japan. Like usual when working in a moist, warm conditions there were mosquitoes. Many many Mosquitoes. We worked in a 10 meter by 10 meter plot and did a vegetation sample in a middle succession forest in Aoshima. We picked a little place that was beside the road and blazed a trail to the site. We passed along a recently used wild boar trail. It was interesting to see what they do to the under story. luckily for us they are mostly nocturnal. We measured the standard DBH (diameter at breast hight) of the trees and also tree hight. Most of the trees were deciduous with a one or two evergreen trees. Where we are in Japan the evergreen trees are the most advanced stage of succession.
While in working we saw many birds. Including the Black Kite, Japanese wight-eye, Long tailed tit. We also heard a wood pecker and a bird called a bulbul. It was interesting to learn the birds by the Japanese name, much harder then learning the English names. These field days every Friday and I am looking forward to participating in many of them.
But other notices. I am setting into my dorm room. Besides the ants crawling in my bed and the cockroaches skittering around my room it is rather nice. I have no idea where all the ants come from. I feel as though I squish 20-30 a day. Hopefully as the weather cools the ants will disappear. I am making a few friends, few in the dorms and a few from school. I don't think I will have much problem living in Miyazaki. It feels much like Evergreen and Olympia. I hope to be able to improve my Japanese and learn about many more birds!
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