I am glad that I was able to help him recover from his sickness and find him a good home. I talked to my vet and he recomended contacting the Miyazaki dobutsu no inochi wo momory kai, a group in Miyazaki who helps find homes for abandoned pets. It was a relief to find this group here, I was worried about all the abandoned animals that live in Miyazaki, but now I am glad that they have people helping them. Anyways, I called them and gave them information on Shiva and sent a picture and they helped find him a new home.
This is their website:
and this is something pretty funny for those who like cats~ http://www1.bbiq.jp/m-doubutsu/cat%20commandments.html
I am sad that Shiva is gone, I wont hear his little padding feet running around the room at night. Or his happy meows and cuddles when I come home. But knowing that I helped him get well and find a loving home makes me happy.
さいよならシバちゃん I will always remember you.
I think I am going to do some WTF cat photos with some of the pictures I have of Shiva hehe. He is just such a cute and slightly odd kitty~