He has been doing well, eating a lot, very energetic, but now that he is seven months old I was thinking it is about time to get him neutered. So I called the vet and made an appointment for yesterday, the 24th of January.
I decided to get him tested for two common viruses found in cats, Feline Leukemia Virus and another one I can't remember the name of now, while he was there just as a precaution. So we left because he was going to have the operation. Anthony and I were on the way to lunch when the vet called me. He informed me that he has Feline Leukemia Virus and that there really isn't much we can do about it. Most cats die with in three years of contracting the virus and kittens are most at risk. I decided not to go ahead with the surgery that day because Shiva has been sneezing lately and his breathing has been odd, and with the virus he has a greater risk of having complications with the surgery. We have him on antibiotics for his sneezing now and plan to take him to get neutered in about half a month.
Satomi helped drive Anthony and I back to the vet to pick up Shiva around six o'clock. The vet gave me some information on the disease and the medicine. When we got home Shiva ate and then curled up into a cute little ball to sleep after an exhausting day at the vet.
I keep thinking that I did something to make him have this disease by letting him share food bowls and the kitty litter with other cats. But I know that he might have gotten it from his mother, or before he came to the dorms. I am going to give him a good life though. I also won't spoil him just because he is sick! The vet said that he was a very good boy and that I can be proud of him. It made me feel a lot better to hear that despite the fact that he is still ill.
I will continue to do well in my studies though despite this emotional hardship~
Shiva at 7 months old (below left) Shiva at 4 months old (below right) My how he has grown and he still plays with his tail!~